In this article, A high speed Guassian fitting method suggested by Guo’s will be introduced. In my case, it is around 200x faster compared to the python’s lmfit library and has a similar speed compared to previously demonstrated Jacquelin’s method.
The model used in Guo’s article is:
Its peak can be calculated using these formulas:
If you are interested, please have a look of the original article. The data set below will be used:
Same as my previous article, the python code using lmit library fitting a Gaussian model to the data set:
import numpy as np
from lmfit.models import GaussianModel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
ydata = np.array([2.727050781,2.749023438,2.951660156,3.276367188,3.286132813,3.337402344,3.286132813,3.115234375,3.032226563,2.961425781,2.785644531])
xdata = np.array(range(len(ydata)))
xdata = xdata+1 #x starts from position 1
gmodel = GaussianModel()
start_time = time.time()
params = gmodel.make_params(amplitude=ydata.max(),
result =, params, x=xdata)
end_time = time.time() - start_time
print("elapsed time: ",end_time)
plt.scatter(xdata,ydata,label='data points')
plt.plot(xdata, result.best_fit, 'r-')
We will get
elapsed time: 0.0069561004638671875
center: 6.20838810 +/- 0.17609727 (2.84%) (init = 6)
sigma: 7.97128486 +/- 0.49022793 (6.15%) (init = 3.162278)
The python code fitting a Gaussian model to the data set using Guo’s method [Repeating it for 100 times]:
import time
import math
import numpy as np
ydata = np.array([2.727050781,2.749023438,2.951660156,3.276367188,3.286132813,3.337402344,3.286132813,3.115234375,3.032226563,2.961425781,2.785644531])
xdata = np.array(range(len(ydata)))
xdata = xdata+1 #x starts from position 1
x = [0]*9
y = [0]*3
x_1 = 0 #x
x_2 = 0 #x^2
x_3 = 0 #x^3
x_4 = 0 #x^4
ln_y = 0
xln_y= 0
x_2ln_y = 0
start_time3 = time.time()
i = 0
while i < 100:
x = [0]*9;
y = [0]*3;
x_1 = 0
x_2 = 0
x_3 = 0
x_4 = 0
ln_y = 0
xln_y= 0
x_2ln_y = 0
j = 1
while (j <= 12 - 1):
temp_data = j
x_1 += temp_data
x_2 += pow(temp_data,2)
x_3 += pow(temp_data,3)
x_4 += pow(temp_data,4)
temp_ln_y = math.log(ydata[j-1])
ln_y += temp_ln_y
xln_y += temp_data*temp_ln_y
x_2ln_y += pow(temp_data,2)*temp_ln_y
x[0] = len(ydata)
x[1] = x_1
x[2] = x_2
x[3] = x_1
x[4] = x_2
x[5] = x_3
x[6] = x_2
x[7] = x_3
x[8] = x_4
y[0] = ln_y
y[1] = xln_y
y[2] = x_2ln_y
#%%Gaussian elimiation
common = x[3]/x[0]
x[4] -= x[1] * common
x[5] -= x[2] * common
y[1] -= y[0] * common
common2 = x[6]/x[0]
x[7] -= x[1] * common2
x[8] -= x[2] * common2
y[2] -= y[0] * common2
common3 = x[7]/x[4]
x[8] -= x[5] * common3
y[2] -= y[1] * common3
c = y[2]/x[8]
b = (y[1] - c * x[5])/x[4]
peak = -0.5*b/c
sigma = math.sqrt(-0.5/c)
end_time3 = time.time() - start_time3
print("elapsed time: ",end_time3)
print("peak = ",peak)
print("sigma = ",sigma)
We will get
elapsed time: 0.0029916763305664062
peak = 6.226874114976617
sigma = 8.06247957982415
which is similar to the lmfit library.
By the way, I have mentioned about how to solve a similar linear system using python and c before, you may have a look here if you are interested.
The C program fitting a Gaussian model to the data set using Guo’s method:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#define data_size 12
double data[data_size] = {2.72705078125000,2.74902343750000,2.95166015625000,3.27636718750000,3.28613281250000,3.33740234375000,3.28613281250000,3.11523437500000,3.03222656250000,2.96142578125000,2.78564453125000};
double x[9] = {0};
double y[3] = {0};
double x_1 = 0;
double x_2 = 0;
double x_3 = 0;
double x_4 = 0;
double ln_y = 0;
double xln_y= 0;
double x_2ln_y = 0;
double temp_data = 0; //store x location
double temp_ln_y = 0;
double common = 0;
double common2 = 0;
double common3 = 0;
double b = 0;
double c = 0;
double peak = 0;
double sigma = 0;
int main()
clock_t t;
t = clock();
for(int j = 1; j <= data_size - 1; j++)
temp_data = j;
x_1 += temp_data;
x_2 += pow(temp_data,2);
x_3 += pow(temp_data,3);
x_4 += pow(temp_data,4);
temp_ln_y = log(data[j-1]);
ln_y += temp_ln_y;
xln_y += temp_data*temp_ln_y;
x_2ln_y += pow(temp_data,2)*temp_ln_y;
x[0] = data_size-1;
x[1] = x_1;
x[2] = x_2;
x[3] = x_1;
x[4] = x_2;
x[5] = x_3;
x[6] = x_2;
x[7] = x_3;
x[8] = x_4;
y[0] = ln_y;
y[1] = xln_y;
y[2] = x_2ln_y;
//%% Gaussian elimiation
common = x[3]/x[0];
x[4] -= x[1] * common;
x[5] -= x[2] * common;
y[1] -= y[0] * common;
common2 = x[6]/x[0];
x[7] -= x[1] * common2;
x[8] -= x[2] * common2;
y[2] -= y[0] * common2;
common3 = x[7]/x[4];
x[8] -= x[5] * common3;
y[2] -= y[1] * common3;
c = y[2]/x[8];
b = (y[1] - c * x[5])/x[4];
t = clock() - t;
double time_taken = ((double)t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // calculate the elapsed time
printf("Total elapsed time = %f", time_taken);
peak = -0.5*b/c;
sigma = sqrt(-0.5/c);
return 0;
We will get
Total elapsed time = 0.000021