We have created our token on Solana in the previous article. However, since the oyster swap does not support phantom wallets, we will need to use Sollet or Solflare to perform a transaction. Therefore, this article will teach you how to import your wallet to Sollet.
Step 1: Go to Sollet and click “Restore existing wallet“. You may find their official link via Sollet’s Twitter.
Step 2: Write down the BIP39 passphrase you jotted down in the first article to restore your wallet. You may find the wallet address may not be the same as the one you created in the Solana tool suite. Ignore this error and import a wallet first.
Step 3: On the top-right corner, select “Account” and press the “Add Account” button.
Step 4: Go to the id.json you created on the first article, name it whatever your like, paste your private key and hit the “ADD” button.
Step 5: On the top-right corner, select “https://api.devnet.solana.com” as we will deploy our exchange on Solana Devnet.
Step 6: If everything is correct, you will find your token under the wallet address you created with the Solana tool suite.
We have imported our wallet to Sollet. In the following article, we will build our exchange using the cloned oyster swap from Solana labs.
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