In the previous article, we obtained some KDA on the testnet. In this article, we will try to make a cross-chain transaction to make some fun with our free KDA.
Step 1: Click the “Transfer Coins” button on the Chainweaver.
Step 2: Enter your unique name in the Account field. Select from Chain 1 to Chain 0. Remove your public key ‘s “k:” and paste it into the public keys field. Input 10 (or any number you like) in the Amount (KDA) field. After that, press the “Sign & Transfer” button. Look at the previous article’s step 3 if you forget how to find your public key.
Step 3: Since your account does not have any KDA on Chain 0 initially, the “kadena-xchain-gas” account will pay the gas fee for you on Chain 0. Feel free to correct me if I have misunderstood something. After that, hit the “Next”, “Preview” and “Send Transfer” buttons.
Step 4: You may receive an error during the cross-chain transfer. Copy the request key first.
Step 5: Go to the Finish Cross Chain Transfer Page; you may access it via Kadena discord. Remember to change Chainweb Server to Then, paste your request key obtained from Step 4 and click the “Finish Cross Chain Transfer” Button.
Step 6: You will receive the “TRANSFER SUCCEEDED” message after a few minutes.
Step 7: You may refresh the Chainweaver’s account page and check for your account balance. If the transaction succeeds, you will find some KDA on two chains.
We are ready to go. In the following article, we will deploy our first contract and make our token. It will be a long journey.
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