In the previous article, we successfully built our decentralizsed exchange on Solana. In this article, we will create our liquidity pool using our own exchange.
Step 1: Go to the Pool page of our exchange.
Step 2: Enter the amount of SOL and the token you want to add to the liquidity pool. I will suggest adding all your tokens and most of your SOL tokens to the liquidity pool for testing purposes. After that, click the “Create Liquidity Pool” button. REMEMBER TO LEAVE SOME SOL FOR PAYING THE GAS FEE. OTHERWISE, YOU HAVE TO OBTAIN SOME SOL USING THE SOLANA TOOL SUITE.
Step 3: Approve the contract
Step 4: Done! You have created your own liquidity pool! Move to the Trade page, and you will find your token pair on your exchange.
The token name is still a random number in our exchange. Therefore, it is difficult for people to remember and swap for it. In the following article, we will learn how to change the token name on the project and pull a request to add our token on Solana labs GitHub.
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